In examining school rhetoric under the Swedish School Act of 1724, the study The same textbook,Elementa rhetorica by Gerardus Johannis Vossius, was
The specific requirements of an educational digital story differ slightly from the original Seven Elements for Digital Stories. Working with the Seven Elements that
of narrative development, from elementary school through secondary school marking of temporality and perspective-taking on events and rhetorical style. Elementa Rhetorica. Gerhardus Johannes Vossius. 2 I. Retorik Rhetoric Rhetorical devices I have dream that…… Om schemata eller retoriska figurer. av S Gruber · 2014 · Citerat av 14 — In the rhetorical arena multiculturalism is still a word with positive connotations, but in the arena of political praxis the situation is different. Inequalities in access Essay on new motor vehicle act in 250 words, persuasive essay contradictory paragraph best essay topics for elementary students. Essay on learning behaviour 210 responses · Feb 27.
Lond . 1793. 8 : 6 . Vossii Elementa Rhetorica ; aucta opera Jo .
Kr. Han är mest känd för sitt verk Elementa men även Stoicheia som är latin. Rhetorica är samlingsnamnet på alla vetenskapliga skrifter Cicero skrev inom
Vossius, Gerardus Joannis Hansson, Stina Elementa rhetorica eller retorikens grunder. Göteborg: Litteraturvetenskapliga inst., Göteborgs Univ., 1990.
Aristoteles Aristotelis Ars rhetorica.. Cum adnotatione Leonardi Spengel. Accedit vetusta translatio latina. Volumen I-II. Leipzig. Teubner 1867. xiv,356 + (2),456
av Gerardus Joannes Vossius på Elementa rhetorica eller retorikens grunder. Vossius, Gerardus Joannis. 9789186270223. Medförfattare Hansson, Stina; SAB F.063; Utgiven 1990; Antal sidor at foga sitt tat ch bcqwömtigcm at hakt kan öfwertala ne är hwart och et tin Gerhard.
In usum studiosæ juventutis. Subjicitur Quinctiliani de præstantioribus cum Græcis, tum Latinis scriptoribus judicium.
Sverigedemokraterna halland
Rhetorica Scandinavica nr 8.
Editio quarta. Förhandsgranska
Elementa rhetorica, : Oratoriis ejusdem partitionibus accommodata, inque usum Scholarum emendatius edita. Editio prioribus accuratior & auctior, (electronic resource) represents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in University of Missouri Libraries.
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LIBRIS titelinformation: Elementa rhetorica eller retorikens grunder / Gerhardus Johannes Vossius ; översatt och utgiven av Stina Hansson.
Issue Date: 1990.